Fake News, Shaw was in Toledo at the time.
Fake News, Shaw was in Toledo at the time.
I have one GOP friend on Facebook (girl from HS). It’s a mix of trolling and hoping that maybe I can find the right words to make her think. We have to change some minds. Slowly one by one if I have too. The other day she posted some negative Antifa stuff and I got to respond so your pro Fascist? There was not a come…
“phenomenally expensive” in private aviation is a relative term.
and above 400'... 900' if in a spin.
He did loose a $700,000 aircraft, not sure that should be called a “win”. But any landing you can walk (swim) away from is a good one.
Here is a video of the CAPS being deployed. Pretty awesome I think.
I bet they were Just happy they were getting to help a live person instead of retrieving a corpse as many of there missions end up being.
ehh who can remember that far back.
I would have thought it was founded earlier but you are correct!
Just gona put this right here;
I smell a movie in the works.... In all seriousness congrats Doctor!
They had obviously just watched Dodge Ball: A True Underdog Story. and just wanted to be like there new hero Patches O’Houlihan.
I remember that morning too. I grew up in DC and my mom called me after the first plane hit. I was just getting up for a college map class and I thought of the B-25 and all the little sight seeing planes and helicopters that used to fly around NYC and I assumed one got to close or was hit by a strong wind. I turned on…