That’s my wife said when I showed her this story. We were both like how do you shoplift $2,000+ worth of merchandise? Was it multiple trips? Multiple stores? I will admit I have gone to Target planning on getting one or two small items and walked out with a $100 bill (danm you Tide & TP!) But never have I ever gotten…
What dose she say she has her PTSD from?
I mean she was hiking with a partner so she was sharing the experience...
People will still go to the spot. They have the GPS coordinates. I don’t think the bus is the only draw.
I think a large part of his plan is to tunnel under existing government roads BW parkway in DC/MD for the DC to Baltimore tunnel. To travel up I-95 from DC t0 NYC. I mean the first concepts for the Hyperloop were for it to run in the median between North-South or East-West lanes of major highways. The tunnels were…
Did no one else post this?
I mean that will be an issue with any Asgardian/Human relationship plus with the blip Shuri is now in her mid 20's
UPDATE: Huffington Post says that the “outside Security team” is being replaced and the manger on duty has also been terminated.
That kinda sums up everything they announced at Hall H.