Titus Andromedon figured it out:
That might be an idea. I have never gotten high but that might make this mess watchable.... or a total nightmare one or the other.
Jesus Christ Superstar... with cats
I can see that. But I hear Maya Rudolph’s voice.
There was a good deal on sheets on woot. and woot is now owned by Amazon so I chose not to get them. Made a little easier by there were also amazon basic sheets.
Can I just have the corned beef? There are no good delis near me.
stop giving them ideas
I am from Washington DC and there is a legend long told to interns and visitors to my fair city of a time long ago when politicians despite difference in political party would work together towards common goals. Laughable right?
They need it as evidence for the trial to test a bit of every brick so they can assure a jury that yes every bit of that was cocaine. Not just one brick of coke and then a giant shipment of sugar.
Well the smugglers aren’t flying a flag so they are already operating outside the law.
so $1.50 and a half eaten twinkly?