The deal covered only crimes in FL, not in NY... or in transit.
I really like them too but the lack of airbags is a real non starter for me.
Secretly one night like some frat prank go out to the doc, give it a quick red strip then tow it over to the nearest coasty and go, hey look we found your boat (he he) you better take it before some drunk college kids take it for a spin... and run off before they know what to do?
The Supreme Court has worked very hard to get the power it has. Roberts may be conservive but he very much knows that it’s his legacy that will be written about. He will not allow the Court to be undermined no mater who is in the Oval Office.
When me and my freinds show up with our big guns to a beach, we also cause a stir....
I just asume they jump from one thing to another.
Can you make Cider out of bad apples? I mean it would be fun just to squeeze them until they pop.
Boeing has not fully stopped the production line. They slowed it down but it has not stopped. There are still new 737's coming off the line that’s why this is just now making news.
Recessions are a normal part of an economy. We go up and go down up and down. To say we will never have one again is foolish. We are currently in the longest economic growth period in this nation (or I think any nation’s) history. To expect that never to end is foolish. What goes up must come down. If things are…
mmmm ratshit!
I don’t like music during sex. Maybe the avg sex across Americans is so short a single song will do but I need like a whole orchestration. And then if it has words I want to start singing along... and then we are on to the next song it just dose not go well. I do like a song with some Bang to it though....
She was with him during the campaign so maybe he is counting that time not time in the White House. Because trump only cares about how long people have been with him not who is paying them.