
It is also only 2:30 and no I don’t think they would go back. They would stay in NY or LA and burn the invite to the reunion as soon as it touched their mail box. For good measure they would probably burn the mail boxes too.

Still has more cargo room and available space for all the tech upgrades AF1 Needs. Sure you could do it in a 777 but the 747 has more room for the self deploying star case. the ability to command a world wide nuclear war. a 2 mile long wire antenna, a surgical suite, Flares, food for 30 days, Air to air Refueling

National Capital Area US Park Police have been on a high horse since they busted then Mayor Marion Barry back in the 90's.

Heck AOC has Ted (zodiac killer) Cruz cozening up to her she is learning to work across the aisle. I think another 2 terms in the house then a run for senate then 2028 POTUS?

What is the one thing white woman love more than pumpkin spice lattes and pilates classes?

Do you want to see a slam dunk for winning 2020 without breaking a sweat?

Dara is on Hulu... or was when I re-watched it about a year ago.

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Still looking for for the live action remake with Aubrey Plaza.

Rachel Dolezal was busy?

modesty ponchos”

I think this was more about trying to control what the wear outside of school than inside but still valid point.

As others have said this was about what they wore to prom and also what they wear outside of school. This was their instructor trying to keep them modest and obedient when he was not in charge of them.

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Why I am so glad that there are good places on the intenet for these kids to get good sex education because they sure as shit wont get it there!

They are better at desalinating things, but then they are fired when they try to deescalate instead of just shooting the suspect.

Ya... no. The French were not the first ones to think of using a mouth on their partner(s) tasty bits.

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I think the build out can happen faster than people think. Power lines are generally good. And once business realize having a charging station at there restaurant, gas station or other tourist trap will be a draw EV’s they will start installing and advertising them. Maybe not Tesla Super Chargers but you can add big

Just give me a SUV/Crossover thingy with good AWD and around 5,000lbs of towing and I am sold! now just got run an extension cord out to the street...

Boeing is just happy it was not at 737

Sometimes its just two...