
That’s one of the many many many anoying things about WMATA. They are very selective of who is in violation. And who can go about there day eating and drinking as if its the Palm.

Just gona leave these here,

The text message (which was at the very top of the article) shows the first message came in at 21:47 (9:47) she responded at 22:57 (11pm). She was probably eating the food that was delivered and did not notice the message had come in until she had finished. Then responded by which time she saw it was a door dash

I call Shenanigans on this! Door Dash has operations going pretty much 24/7 across the entire USA & Canada including Hawaii Not to mention they are currently in operational tests in Australia. If they don’t already have a operational 24/7 war room to deal with their fly by night contractors (Dasher dashes right into a

He was driving, then he stopped (forgot that hand brake is now broken) stepped in front to send that tweet and was then suppressed when the bus kept moving.

Could not happen to a nicer douche canoe.

We don’t know that he didn’t. It usually takes a little while to get the lawers involved just becase there is a cost even if its only a “hey we are about to sue your ass” letter they have the lawyer write up.

This was her first choice,

I would hope it’s some kind of law... but Florida so who the fuck knows. You know it will probably be your allowed 40 turtles you have to put two back.

I think it would go something like this.

Hell it could have been on her TV.

“With All Deliberate Speed” SMH. A pack of sedated sloths move faster than this district.

Take your star you SOB!

Yes its question # 3 on the form after name and birthday.

Yet they built a crypt so they could... help the army of the dead?