

I also thought it was out of character for the Dothraki to let this strange woman ride up on them and touch their sword. But at the same time it was kinda bad ass.

Ghost: What is dead my never die!

They are just the survey team for the planned intergalactic highway that will be coming though. You have looked at the plans right?

Boom! Get me a treatment by tomorrow and we will start production on Monday! I mean what else are Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson & Clark Duke up too?

Some have theorized that. But I see it more as they both were completely tortured by Ramsy. They are the only two who truely know what the other went though. That and she recognizes that he is choosing her and the Stark’s as his true family and will now defend them with honor till his last breath.

That’s a horrific thought

True, but man do those Gators have some interesting stories to tell.

I would be legit happy if that’s how the show ends. Lyanna Mormont walking up to the Iron thrown siting down. Tormund walking up to her wearing the “Hand of the Queen” badge. Crowning her Queen of all Westeros with a new crown made from the Night King’s skull and Dragon Teeth. And Tormund looking legit scared of her

Well I am game!

Also Grey Worm

Grey Worm is cool with it, why cant you be as cool as Grey Worm?

Long live the Lady of Bear Island, Long may she reign!

Can’t he was burned in the funeral pyre that Danny walked into and was thus born her dragons at end of season one.

To socialize with other humans...

As well they should.

Or confining at this date between these times this person was contacted by Amazon to deliver packages in this area. They have the data they just don’t want be bothered with the headaches they know will come when people start suing these drivers when they are in accidents. Lawyers always go to the pocket with most

There are a lot of racists out there. It’s not racist to point it out.