True, but now he has a lawyer on speed dial.
He really had three options. Let the appendix burst and die slowly and painfully. Let another person there with no surgical training attempt it and probably die slowly and painfully. or three, try to do it himself. He went with option three and not only saved his own life but won 1961 award for Brass Balls.
In fairness humanity record is not great. Getting better each time but still something we are working on. High risk high rewards high deaths.
90% sure that’s how that conversation went down.
I think that’s also forgetting air power. Just a few A-10's would have had a field day on the East European Plain.
More breathing room for Moscow. That’s all the Soviets cared (and Russians care) about. There are really no hard barriers between Paris and Moscow. That’s what allowed Napoleon to walk over and hang out. The Russians want lots and lots of land between them and any enemy that might come knocking.
They do point out that it was 0.086 when he is tested. So thats after it backs away, gets run down by Korean Coast Guard. Boarded, they find him. See that he is drunk, call for a alcohol test get it and then administer it. He had a little time to sober up... or at least stop drinking.
Your assuming that anyone else on this boat was sober.
Never try to pull a Crazy Ivan in a harbor!