Probably but its cousin the truck killing bridge of Westwood MA has taken out a fire truck and also caused a fire in a truck so there.
Probably but its cousin the truck killing bridge of Westwood MA has taken out a fire truck and also caused a fire in a truck so there.
It would also have been funny if he had taken the box but it had already been uploaded to the cloud.
why? what did they do? Sure they took his picture but they asked too. He is smiling and posing in it. He could have been like, “Nah that’s alright just get home safe.” And no one would have known, but no he posed for the pics, they went viral and he got caught. This is not the Girl Scouts fault. I do hope they send…
I once ordred Chinese food from a place not to far away and was surprised as heck when there was a knock at my door not 15 min later. That seemed way to fast for me because it was also a good 5-7 min drive away minimum. Were they cooking in the car? 5-7 minutes seems way to fast to make me some General Tso.
Ok, so when is Chip running for Mayor? I mean don’t they already own like 3/4 of this town?
So B&B #2?
My cards are paid of, the rest of the US....
No, points exist to entice you to get that card and build up balances you will spend the rest of your life paying off. Just because you wanted that free towel and 50,000 sign on points that day in the airport.
Just have them all watch Dr. DOE!
“-outlets that do not delicately tongue his butthole”
You gota wonder just how bad that driver was acting to get pulled over by a cop who knew this would be a meme.
I’m not sure if this one counts but back during SNOWMAGEDDON (2010) in the DC region. I was delivering emergency supplies to shelters in my Subaru Forester. It was the height of the Storm during the time it was officaly a “blizzard” by NWS. VDOT had removed all their vehicles from the roads due to the high winds and I…