
So Islam is in her words “anti-Jewish” and “women are abused” and “homosexuals are oppressed.”Are any of the worlds “Great Religions” that good on any of these issues? Just look at the Catholic church. Burned Jews, Woman and Homosexuals. Has been found guilty of harboring child molesters across the world for decades.

I would Say BD Wong is more known for his work in Jurassic Park series and SVU than Mr. Robot.... Just saying.

I feel like this bridge should have kill markings like they put on attack aircraft. Put a big sign board out in front as a warning to stupid people.

Now if there was ever a time for a sponsored post....

ding ding ding

Yeah... No one ever makes fun of or persecutes the Jews.

I was thinking an Incel.

Counterthought, change the mascot,

There are lots of them. Here in Arlington VA (New home to Amazon) We have Washington & Lee High School (#10 best high school in VA according to US News). We are just now getting around to changing the name. Arlington is one of the only places that has a semi legit reason to name a school after him. Arlington County VA

New law I would love to see, you want fedral funds you cant have a school named after that traitor Lee. (not going to happen with President I know but hear out my idea)

Well Played

Oh he “LOVES” Ivanka.

The hottest new fashion for this winters White House will be Orange jump suits to match their bosses hair. Made with only the scratchiest of fabrics these jumpsuits feature black numbers on the right side and on the back”

Yup, if your going to commit a crime, at least know where you will do the time.


Now playing

And its not like he is driving in a Civic he is driving in the Beast with a full armed escort of US and French forces. They will maintain a sped of 60MPH from the time he left the ambassadors residence till the time they pull up. No stop lights no traffic snarls it will all be pushed out of his way.