That’s not too bad considering a population of Dallas Country is 2.6 Million.
That’s not too bad considering a population of Dallas Country is 2.6 Million.
7,100 each or 7,100 total?
At least e-mail it off the phone. Don’t have to blast the world but make copies. And go, “Sure I will delete... this copy...” Let them know its out and the are on the clock.
As a dick owner I cannot support this... But I understand.
Jesus McFuckballs my new fav curse.
When I first heard about this I thought it could be another incel attack but now... I guess we will wait and see what mental issues were previously recorded.
I think the Route 91 shooting in Vegas was most deadly 59 dead and 851 injured. ( ) :( sad wehave to keep track of this. But they were referring to shootings this year.
No no, first is the forced pregnancy, then the forced abortions then the forced gay weddings of the aborted fetuses. Stick to the plan man.
I loved my Subaru Forester had 2 of them but they just did not have the towing I needed, why do they keep such a crappy little engine in it and it still has poor gas mileage? Is it so much to ask that a Forester can tow 2,500lbs? And where are the Subaru Hybrids or electrics? are they really going to be left behind?
That’s been playing over and over in my head. There were only 91 people killed during Kristallnacht ( we are already 1/9th of the way there. I know that synagogue near me have also been targeted outside of DC.
I get why they canceled, but I wish they had’t. That’s what these assholes wanted. Was to shut down talks to scare us and to make our voices small enough they wont hear when we scream. The Show must go on! THE SHOW MUST GO ON!
Since no one was hurt and it looks like he was still in the preliminary part of this “plan” it’s theoretical he could have this plead way down and may do little or no time but LOTS of supervised parole. Rutgers dose not want him stepping back on campus for any reason. So yeah they are going to quickly move on this.
Wendover Productions The Five Freedoms of Aviation
Wendover Productions did a great video about The Five Freedoms of Aviation that specifically talk about this. Its a really interesting watch.