
We cant celebrate the birth of a middle eastern, Jewish, Immigrant, Destitute, Anchor baby by just thronging up some decorations a month out we need 2 months to prepare for that!

Ya, he seems pretty awesome.

Just make sure they don’t get into the subway... they are a pain to get out of there.

Wow, that Hawk has some history and 8 partners wow!

Is there another way to read it? Little king trashmouth going to be eating good!

How is this a Joke?

Good for them, now if only there were some group that would give me a breakfast sandwich when I go vote before work... that would be nice.

If adults should not trick or treat then why do stores sell snack size bottles of liqueur? This is for the adult trick or treaters right?

Now playing

There is only one good reason to dress up as a nazi or hitler, and Quentin got it right.

This party just got started in my opinion ;)

Just this week? Have you been in a Coma?

Now playing

The whole story is in Forest Gump, it’s who Forest is named after! Get out of here with the “You didn’t know he was a grand wizard crap!”

With regard to land beasts, Deuteronomy and Leviticus both state that anything which chews the cud and has a cloven hoof would be ritually clean, but those animals which only chew the cud or only have cloven hooves would be unclean. A kangaroo does not chew the cud and does not have a cloven hoof. So it is not

Nope, With regard to land beasts, Deuteronomy and Leviticus both state that anything which chews the cud and has a cloven hoof would be ritually clean, but those animals which only chew the cud or only have cloven hooves would be unclean. A kangaroo does not chew the cud and does not have a cloven hoof. So it is not

How quickly do you think the police will start enforcing those “false reporting laws”? My bet is faster than a new story about a white person harassing a black person pops up here on the root.

I would like to but I went to there website, no where do they ask for money or bit coins or anything. Maybe they have a large benefactor covering everything...