
It defiantly sounds like a “a period piece”. I’ll see myself out now.

Never go to Pompeii on Volcano Day.

Surprised that The Mutaween(Saudi Arabia’s Islamic religious police) arnt beating her for not covering her head.

No, they would possible be in the poor house. No one goes to jail over an NDA, they just get every cent sued from them, there credit and CV ruined stuff like that but NDA are not laws that will send you to jail.

Well we now have a Turkey as our national Representative to the world.... also not what Ben had in mind.

We live very different lives ;)

pasha sex catapults are so last century get with the times and get a “sex Trebuchet” (tm).

Yes he was.

Now playing

She would be great she is the Queen but I think the world needs to remember to cast someone besides her and Jennifer Hudson.

Came here to support Tituss Burgess see the job is well in hand.

How many posts about a “Star is Born” are y’all going to do? Seriously starting to think your being paid for good publicity. The Hate you Give, Bad Times at the El Royal, First Man, Loving Pablo, I still see you have all come out with barely a peep. Yet another day another and another “Star is Born” post. What gives?

I mean he could be aiming to not hit the kid... A shot across the bow as it were... but no this guy was full of shit. And thankfully a lousy shot.

Yeah I think they did that in Hollywoo.



Except you need to provide a copy of birth certificate (Cost), You can only apply for the “free” ID during specific hours at specific locations that can be miles or counties away. Cost cost cost. And for what? There is no voter fraud happening. Voter ID laws are designed for one thing and one thing only to

Now playing

This upsets me so much. Voting is a right, and shall not be infringed. Voter ID laws are a poll tax plain and simple. If you have to expend money to vote its a tax. All these officials purging records should be charged for civil rights violations preventing people from voting. Err. “Lock them up!”

We all do.

NYPD buys over 1500 cars a year. They have Chevy Bolts and smart cars in there fleet. I bet NYPD has more Prius in there fleet that most fleets have total vehicles. Point is they are being used by police departments.

Yes, but will you want it....