
Lexus’ Predator face

After 13 Assassins, I’m definitely in for this.

Funny, because being willing to embrace its own long history is precisely why I love this show.

Jurassic Whatever is the Mel Brooks Jurassic World parody I never knew I needed until just now.

Willow is a pretty good movie.

The one I really wanted to keep is the only one cancelled.

I mean I’ll watch Killjoys if I’m caught up on all my other shows and nothing else is on, but... Dark Matter is so consistently better.

Noooo! Not Dark Matter.
That’ll teach me to like a show.

Honestly it was at first a “there no Star Trek show but this seems a close second” to a show that grew on me and you really rooted for these guys.

Dark Matter was my favorite show by far. Kill joys kind of sucks...


My weekly bubblegum scifi. I enjoyed Dark Matter a helluva lot more than Killjoys, so much so that I’ll likely not bother watching Killjoys final 2. Team Android forever!

This fucking makes no sense.

I swear it seems like if I enjoy a show and look forward to seeing more a sign pops up at the network exec club that says “ Cancel this one!”. I’m now headed out to beat my head against a wall in the garage for a while.  

I watch Dark Matter. I don’t watch Killjoys. This news makes me sad.

I’m happy for Killjoys, but dammit, I loved Dark Matter! I know both shows are “Hot Canadian actors running around with guns in disguised warehouses” but there was no real reason to cancel one of them.

I’d go as far as to say Dark Matter is the more fun show of the two - more characters, more dynamic and doesn’t feel as. . . low budget as Killjoys does.

No one alive today has ever been a slave or owned a slave in America. Everyone has equal rights by law regardless of their race. Quoting history is a moot point as white people have also been slaves if you go back far enough in history. All of which is completely meaningless as there is still no justifiable reason to

He was also very memorable in Robocop. RIP Mr. Ferrer.