Fifty shades of dentistry.
Fifty shades of dentistry.
Ah "Man…". you had me at Vanessa Bayer and the MacArthur Foundation.
[the absurdity/fantasy element is right out of Woody Allen]
[and Josh's 'dad' is right out of Slings and Arrows, a Canadian series of note: three seasons… binge that thing]
Finally getting the bad taste of Gracepoint out:
Watching Broadchurch, Season 2-Episode 1, and just three minutes in you remember the beauty and ease of the storytelling.
Thirteen minutes in, a shocking revelation greater than generated by any/all ten episodes of Gracepoint… and by end of Episode 1, I'm stunned.
RE: your research. SNL was from the POV of the cat, sort of (unless you were on the hood).
I don't think a bystander would get that joke/point.
So, not so much Shakespeare (go-to-black quote) … as a kind of Sopranos (without a dental plan). And that's a compliment.
SPOILER ALERT (from me anyway): I have given up on Gracepoint, at this point, and I'm waiting for Broadchurch Season 2! I am enjoying all the very smart writing from the AVClub community regarding Gracepoint, so there's that.…
But, with that out of the way, the way this is going — a…
In the first Fun with Flags taping, Sheldon says "vexillology".
Amen, brother.
"Paul the priest and “tongue-lashing” at all in the same sentence."
There are still holdovers from Broadchurch here: that the priest and innkeeper are headed (pun intended) toward each other is being presented here in an obvious US audience, point-made way & Paul touching a boy's knee — are two touchstones (still…
The last scene of the last episode — of The Sons of Anarchy — will show Abel twenty years in the future.
He'll be riding his bike down the same metaphorical highway as his father and grandfather, before him… toward what, you might ask.
Fade to black.
I've been re-watching Broadchurch* and while casting and shot-for-shot similarities are striking w/Gracepoint**, the original is well-worth watching right now for those in the midst/mood. The original trailer lady could certainly kill more than a chicken with her bare hands, as H says.
Sons of Anarchy… it's The Sorpanos (without dental).
"You might want to hold off on that jewelry project." Best line… and, in the great tradition of Joan Rivers jokes in that anatomical area.
(First, don't ask…) But I just watched Episode 7.
And resume-wise, both have had reoccurring roles on The Big Bang Theory.
[hopefully fairly good paydays]
And she was (the late great) Rosie Larsen's mousey bff on the first season of The Killing.
[Seattle, but filmed in VC, BC]
A little late to this show/episode, but finally we have a heartbeat!
The "Pretty Woman" music-video-moments: 'Joe under the billboard'(prelude w/Joe picks a wardrobe, in a West Point style closet) AND 'Cam keeps working' after another awkward set-piece w/Joe.
For me, these wordless scenes push this episode to a solid…