
Yea. That's exactly what happened. Kraft paid the judge to drop charges. Omg. Laughing out loud.  Get real. The cops were wrong from the very beginning 

Ill bet you follow a football team that the Pat's beat up on.  Get a life. Become a Pat's Fan.  Jealousy and hatred will get you nowhere

I see that these cops didn't follow the law when trying to build a case of a 77 yr old man going to a health/massage parlor. They were after one person. ROBERT KRAFT. OWNER OF THE NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS.  Maybe some hatred and jealousy going on here. Of course there is. Shame on these cops

There was never any human sextrafficking going on in this place. These dirty cops were trying to bring down a 77 yr old man who happened to be the owner of the NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS, THATS WHAT THIS WHOLE THING WAS ABOUT,  Such a waste of taxpayer money

Auggie. You couldnt of said it any better. Ty for your honest input.  There was never any fear of human trafficking at this establishment.  The cops were on a mission to destroy a 77 yr old man who happens to be the owner of the NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS, Was jealousy and hatred behind this bullshit,  ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY.

You crack me up. You make it sound like every massage parlor is set up like this dump in Jupiter Florida.  There is no doubt in my mind these dirty cops were on a mission to bring down Mr Kraft,  one of the most classiest, Most loved person in the world of sports.  My hope is that any and all cops that had a hand in