
You'd think it was stupid too if you thought about it for more than five seconds.

Pie'oh'pah, from Imajica by Clive Barker!

Well. This song is completely fantastic.

I also think previews are sort of stupid, especially for GoT — but expecting people not to talk about them for your benefit also seems stupid.

Noticed you avoided my question twice now.

The question was: why haven't they murdered him yet? Or you, for that matter? Aren't you afraid one of us sheeple are gonna tattle?

I don't get to interact with infowars people hardly ever. Can I ask a question?

You'll find yourself being banned from most worthwhile places if you systematically call everyone there "a retard."

Oh really? Well, in that case:

So you don't deny his lying about Sandy Hook? Good.

You're absolutely right — it's not an argument, and it makes you look stupid.

"Your ignorance is monumental! Educate yourself like I did — by watching YouTube videos! Also, I don't know what 'proof' is!"

God, truest shit I've ever heard in my dang life.

They, like everyone else, were absolutely shocked by how well they did last year.

Oh, word. That's too bad — that's a pretty poor way to comfort people (not that they wanted to be comforted).

Well, so, to be fair, there's still plenty of opportunity for the republicans to do most of that. Despite what the house did, the senate seems to be taking its sweet fucking time. Which is fine with me.

She was basically explaining the thing republicans did to pass the AHCA this year. There's some sort of congressional hoohah that requires certain kinds of bills to originate from the house. The AHCA could not originate from the senate, even though the senate's got all the healthcare wonks and whatnot.

That's the key here. It's like McCain says in the article: there's no consensus, so there's no bill — despite what the house passed.

Was it the 90's? Was it W that basically killed it?

Not to mention that time just keeps marching right along. It's like they think it's a game they can beat and be done with.