
Burn in hell, ya miserable old bitch.

Thank you, yes! I loved Carnivale, and I cried out in anguish at the end of the series, because I knew we’d never get a resolution. 😣

Same! I NEED a third Day Watch movie.

I always knew I hated BobbySerious, but couldn’t put my finger on why.

I have been to too many funerals where this nonsense went on. It’s SO disrespectful, not to mention inappropriate. It’s not the time or the place, but sure, Pastor Dipshit, take advantage of your captive audience to “witness”. I really hate it.

Count me in. #imwithher

I don’t do it often, but I love making my own almond milk. The best part is using the crushed almonds as flour to make chocolate chip cookies. :)

Unless it’s a woman’s reproductive freedom, that is.

Oooo, love me some ripped, emo The Fall Lee Pace, thank you very much.

This x eleventy-billion. All of this.

Shit like that pisses me off SO much. Like, Hulk smash! levels of pissed.

That is some fucking bullshit, right there.

Who... cares?

I love so much of The Dreaming (Night of the Swallow is one of my all-time favorite Kate songs), but HOL stands out for me because it was the first Kate album I bought, and my sister and I played the shit out of it. It’s hard for me to pick an absolute favorite though—Kate is just the best, no matter what. ♡♡♡♡

That tank top...

I am not a country fan, AT ALL, but I love Dolly. She’s coming to my area this summer, and Im too broke to go see her. :(

OMG, Goldblum is crazy hot in Earth Girls Are Easy. And Jurassic Park.

Are you me? 😁

Yes! I was 15, MPFC was playing on Comedy Central, and I had zero gaydar.