
Ohh, I loved Cadfael! I used to watch it on A&E. I tried to read some of the books, but they just didn’t grab me the way the show did.

Irons keeps on doing his best to kill my ladyboner for him.

You’very just described my every experience at F21, and why I no longer bother unless it’s with their jewelry.

Does anyone else think that nun actually looks like Mitch McConnell in disguise?

I can’t even handle the nerve of their “Help a Sister Out” signs. Like, at worst, this has absolutely no effect on you, but will fuck over tons of other women. Fuck right off, ladies.

Maybe these religious organizations should start paying some taxes before they think they can decide what is and isn’t covered by health care.

Between McConnell and Trump I’m overcome with hate and am itching to mobilize my friends/family to vote these motherfuckers down. I really, really hope Democrats take advantage of this fuckwittery. I don’t understand McConnell’s play here. All the polling is against him.

I love that, for these people, filling out a two page form is an "undue burden" but 48 hour waiting periods and making women drive 400 miles to the nearest Women's Health clinic isn't.

Unpopular (apparently) opinion: No. I’m just not into him.


Or rubbing your face against a crocodile’s ass.

Buffy went downhill for me when Noxon took over. It was so soap opera-ish.


I hate that guy. You’d think he’d be blocked by now. If it were my pagd, I’d block him.

Comic-Con attendance scholarship funds?

I wonder what good cause the proceeds from Kylo Ren eyeliner should go towards?

Did Kylo Ren endorse MAC as well?

I knoooow. That was the only ep of SNL I’ve watched in at least a year. He’s just *delightful*.

omg! that gif! I love him so much.