
Of COURSE Phyllis Schlafly is on this list. Fuck you Phyllis.

I would share this to my Facebook, but it would be mommy - jacked so fast my head would spin. :/

Can people just keep their precious religious beliefs in their churches and to themselves? Cuz that’d be pretty fucking great. Work is bad enough without some sanctimonious asshole judging me or trying to witness to me.

Little Sisters of the (keeping women) Poor.

As do many adults.

I am sick of mason jar Pinterest crafts to the point I wish there was a way to block or filter them.

Hasn’t she also defended Polanski in the past?

Plus the extra weed for not having to smoke them up while shooting the breeze.

Bangers and mash (we enjoy our English heritage around here, lol), probably gonna watch Captain America and drool over Chris Evans. Well, I will. Can’t speak for who the husband will be drooling over.

Brian Blessed. <3

I kept my name, but some of our friends still address cards to us as Mr & Mrs Hisname, and we’ve been married nearly ten years. I have gently reminded them that his name is not mine but no dice. I fear I may have to be less gentle should it persist, as this frustrates me. :/


One of my Facebook friends actually posted yesterday how sad she was that both Sir Christopher Lee AND Rue McClanahan had passed away, and she was wondering who the 3rd would be, since “these things happen in 3s”. The comments were full of people correcting her and pointing out who else had just passed. Yesterday was

Because the fetus is the man’s “property”, and how dare these worthless sluts destroy it??! /sarcasm


Was hoping someone beat me to pointing this out.

At a church gathering for 4th of July when I was about 14, I was sitting in the bleachers with my grandma, watching whatever was going on. All through the program, I felt something brushing my lower back. I didn’t pay any attention, thinking it was a kid. Program ends, we get up to leave, and as turn I see the 60-somet

Me, my husband, and a friend of his were in the car one day, around the time the movie Titanic was in full popularity. Friend of husband’s was known to spend a lot of time at local “riverboat” casinos in town.

It was a stroke. Last I heard he was doing pretty well. He did some kind of one-man show earlier this year (it’s too early in the morning for me to Google).

If only people would threaten to boycott states over legislation like this. Fuck Brownback.