Tom Battey

I’ve just finished the second Palace, and so far my biggest complaint about the game is that gives you no time to chill. While a Palace is open, your team mates badger you INCESSANTLY about finishing it- it’s like, guys, I can see that huge red number on EVERY loading screen, trust me, I’ve got this - and then when

I like Anita's hair with the red in it.

Dang, I can't get it on 360 and then migrate to PS4 later. I mean I guess that's obvious, but I was almost getting excited for a second.

Please let them have rebuilt the climbing engine...they're not going to have rebuilt the climbing engine, are they?

The Wonderful 101. Rarely have I encountered a game so full of wonderful elements that I love but also terrible elements that I hate.

Yes, I remember this! You could get the super strength bangle early, skip a load of stuff, and really glitch some of the dungeons out. Playing as a kid, I don't think I could beat the 7th dungeon the legit way until something like the third time through; select-glitch was all I knew!