Tomato Trump

If you don’t like it here, you can leave back to the country your student is from.

Protesting at JFK, of all places, and thereby adding to people’s miserable airport experiences isn’t going to win the ACLU many friends.


This site claims to be liberal and progressive, but dissenting viewpoints are removed and dismissed? What happened to freedom of speech?

This is the happiest day of my life. Smile from ear to ear.

She’ll be gone soon.

MAGA, bitch!


Go back to your country!

What’s illegal is all these non-whites invading our white land.

Let’s make this country’s great again. Whites only.


Good. Send ‘em all back. This land is for whites only.

They shouldn’t have played Indian Giver with their “home” then

You’re lucky you made it in, better lay low.

Give the man a chance. He can’t do everything’s in 8 days. Was Obama this highly scrutinized in his first weeks?

We need to stand behind our nation and our president. Give Trump a chance.

MAGA. Deal with it.


Ashamed of my country, but proud of my congressman right now. As someone else I saw put it, the people who upset about Trump’s EOs are people who live, work and ride the subway with muslims and immigrants every day. The ones excited about them almost never do.