I’d be more cautious what you say on the internet, do you want to end up like that former teacher in Dallas?
I’d be more cautious what you say on the internet, do you want to end up like that former teacher in Dallas?
Do you have something against Fox News?
I love OUR President, AND I’m a woman.
You hate him, ‘cause you ain’t him!
As a true American, each day since the inauguration has been like Christmas. I am so proud of our nation for unanimously making the right choice with Trump!
You can take all your anger out on me, but guess what?
kill yourself. you are worthless and have nothing and no one. just die.
every minute another hateful comment. no matter who diddled you or beat you as a kid or whatever turned you into this pathetic sack of shit you are now, none of this will make up for your empty life or fulfill you in any way, you will just continue to feel empty inside. kill yourself. asphyxiation is supposed to be…
you’ve spend all of a saturday afternoon making hateful troll comments. how empty and pathetic is your life that this is how you spend your time? i looked at your comment history and you make a comment almost every minute—you literally have nothing better to do. pathetic loser with no life who hates everyone because…
This country was created, is presently, and will always be for the most superior race: white.
Have you checked out Celebrity Apprentice yet?
If you don’t like it here, go back to your own country.
on every comment posted to the far right of the user’s name there is the star count—if you hover your cursor just to the right of that you will see 3 dots appear, and if you right click on those dots a drop down menu will appear. in that menu there is the option to flag the comment, and if you click on flag you will…
MAGA, bitch!
If you like CEG, you should also check out Celebrity Apprentice!
My dream woman.
Thanks for your thoughtful response.
MAGA, bitch!