
Lol pretty sure you ARE a soft pathetic excuse of a human. Intimidated by anything to do with females and needing to bristle at the thought of “SJW’s”, like they’re out to take away whatever little masculinity you have left residing in your inverted prick.

Being bothered by video games depicting women in positions of power, by definition, makes you a “soft pathetic excuse of a human being”.

Look you limp dick turd of a human, everybody’s ignoring your dumbass reasons because they’re dumb. What are you doing...RP’ing a strategy game? Really getting into the period and shit? No? It’s a game? Getting worked up because there’s a chance of generating female generals? Oh fuck...feminazi’s coming after you!

Imagine being so insecure that a fake woman holding a position of authority in a videogame made you uncomfortable. I'm not at all surprised that their celebacy is involuntary.

I couldn’t shoehorn it into the post so: don’t give up, skeleton!

This man fascinates me. He went from the On Deadly Ground environmental activism (holy shit that ending monologue was glorious in the most awful way) to shilling for 45 and Putin, who are essentially villains from a particularly bad episode of Captain Planet. But there’s no sign of the dissonance embolism such a move

Remember, if you don’t fawn all over a title a particular reader really wants to be good, then you’re biased and incapable of impartial, rational assessment.

I’m with you on being baffled by this evident demand for uniformity across reviews and reviewers. While I definitely make use of Kotaku’s reviews in making

I chose to review it because, as I said in the second paragraph, I was hoping that Takahashi and crew would make something I enjoyed more this time around.

I got it for my birthday just after it came out, and was playing it pretty solidly from the end of May until late October when I beat it. It pretty much became like a second life for me in the evenings!

It’s important to remember that while Kjellberg is essentially “signal-boosting” the titles he plays on his streams and videos (and especially indie titles, which might not receive as much exposure otherwise), the companies producing said games are under absolutely no obligation to hold any association with him or his