
My original comment is the second comment in this whole thread, way up there at the top and it was exactly what I just said. You’re replying to a comment further down in the chain. I never changed my position.

You’re really a piece of work. I don’t even see where she said you’re defending monogamy.
Leaps everywhere!

My point was how pervasive it is and I completely agree with being accountable.I have said repeatedly in this thread that I am hoping people use this as a way to start an open honest dialog with their partners.

Well that zero person was right, I am going to agree to disagree and move on.

I didn’t specify monogamy but since adultery was punishable by death it’s definitely a puritanical value. Look up what the Puritans believed if you don’t believe me.

Her point is that just because a doctor is tall, it doesn’t mean all doctors are tall. I don’t really view what you said as you trying to assert a logical conclusion and I believe that’s the disconnect. I took it to mean you were saying that with the significant number of people on that site, there are probably a lot

Let’s try to clear this up even if the end result is we agree to disagree. I do not care if I am right or wrong, I am not trying to die on a hill for a quick comment I made and to which you seem to have taken great personal offense.

This is the post in question
“Plenty of people are very happy in monogamous

This is such an important comment, and it covers so much ground.

I think that people who are actually unhappy in their lives become defensive.

I have the deepest sympathy for those in open marriages who respectfully arranged to be discreet. They did not deserve this.

Agreed, completely. I’ve been really surprised by the vehemence over the hack here at Gawker.

JFC you’re full of yourself. I can’t speak to what someone else said but you seem fine doing so. I am going to copypasta so there is no confusion,

A good analogy would be a closeted homosexual in a heterosexual relationship—in fact, we had a good example of that recently where the overwhelming response is that Gawker had “ruined this guy’s life,” regardless of the fact that he also made the choice to attempt an extramarital affair. Human beings are complicated

i think the assumption that everyone that signed up on that site cheated is wrong i think you made some assumptions. sometimes people say what they mean but i have no dog in this fight you can both feel like youre right

I mean, I think analyzing the reasons for human behavior rather than simply, or exclusively, qualifying that behavior is a big part of liberal/progressive thought and values—it’s crucial. When someone steals, you don’t just chop of their hands and go about your day, you analyze and address the circumstances which

Regardless of what Dan Savage thinks, you are completely missing the point here. The point isn’t that the cheating is political in some way, it’s that most people exist within social constructs that have the potential to make it really difficult to be honest with themselves, let alone those around you. Immediately

And there’s the rub - it’s really not socially acceptable, no matter how progressive some people want to pretend things are in America. We are so repressed it is almost comical, and definitely absurd.

No, people are pressured into thinking that they have to be in monogamous relationships. At least in the U.S. Just because you can sleep around and do whatever you want doesn’t mean there aren’t millions upon millions of people ready to heap scorn on you for doing so. Puritanical views are extremely pervasive in our

It’s true, a large number of people are perfectly happy in monogamous relationships. A large number of people are also unhappy with monogamous relationships. Humans aren’t inherently monogamous creatures, but we aren’t inherently polyamorous creatures either.

I’ve been thinking that it would be great if this opened a greater dialog on monogamy and relationships. I mean how many of these people are Christians who think that marriage is between one man and one woman? I am betting the number is pretty high. Clearly what we say, is not what we do.