
Nope. It’s because people who watched the prequels as kids are old enough to get think pieces published. And people since the dawn of art have over-valued art they consumed as kids/teens.

I think Buddy Holly was probably more successful. People seem to love it more. 

Thank you. Daniel Radcliffe no more has to apologize for Rowling than Daniel Craig does for Ian Fleming or Viggo Mortensen for Tolkien.

I’ve made it through the three Art the Clown movies released so far, but I have to say I did something during Terrifier 2 I didn’t expect; I laughed out loud during what was considered the scene that one-ups the hacksaw scene from Terrifier 1. God help me, I have to think it was intended to be funny because it went

There’s literally decades worth of stories about actors getting yelled at by people upset about a character they played. Is it fair, or logical? No, but a frightening number of people have difficulty separating the artist from the art.

Robert Pattinson and Elijah Wood have done the same thing. Hell, I even forget that R-Pattz was in Twilight sometimes because I associate him way more closely with weird indies now than a major franchise.

This is the Velma of articles.

Plus, Taylor’s boyfriend could easily kick Beyonce’s boyfriend’s ass.

I’m glad that I read your post more closely before replying. In the context of current events, it’s really important to identify actual villains, and the “genocide” buzzword is being thrown around irresponsibly on campuses.

Jewish people were persecuted and the answer was to give them their own State.

I can believe in equality and still get irritated by pandering.”

First and foremost, your attempt to equate nonviolent resistance and pacifism as the same thing is ill-conceived at best. They are not. Nonviolent resistance is resistance without violence, not the pacific acceptance of wrongs done to you. Those devoutly dedicated to nonviolent resistance do not espouse pacifism.

It’s a fine example of human shield writing: where you put in a few (token) themes of marginalisation, and then hide behind them whenever you face any criticism:

Now playing

The entire Palestinian plight is a perfect example of the inevitable end results of separatism. All it does is foster hatred, justify oppression, and make ethnic cleansing and genocide inevitable.

“ admit that it was universally hated by people on both sides of the culture war”

>The party line on pretty much every X-Men adaptation to date has been that, ultimately, Charles Xavier is right: Beg for enough tolerance, and eventually you’ll get it; save the world X number of times, and you’ll get X amount of compassion in return.

I’m a historian, and I’ve written a ton about our country’s transitions through various economic and industrial phases. The technology that, for marketing purposes primarily, we are currently calling “AI, poses an obvious threat to concept artists, illustrators, and other creative professionals. This is similar to

Nothing. It used to be much more difficult to gain the tools to learn and practice the skills you need to even be an artist. Now those tools and education are so widely available, there are more artists. The increase in the supply of artists has driven down the price people are willing to pay for professional art,

Art for arts sake is great.

Pepperidge Farm remembers.