
“So the AR-15 isn’t in any way more powerful or deadly than a pistol? There aren’t any advantages in using it?”

“Yes and as far as I know these are also totally allowed to carry around in America which is nuts to me.”

“ I can not believe that you can buy and keep weapons like these in America......”

I can’t speak for other countries or even my country but people I’ve spoken to in the UK have no idea about automatic rifles etc, they just see an ar-15 and think machine gun

“Every person can wield such a weapon openly. You can walk around with these things near school, malls etc.”

The second these guys intended to come into Massachusetts without a permit they gave up any possible chance of being considered a reasonable gun owner.

So, you’re implying being a shooter has put you in contact with more people that being a gun dealer?

doesn’t Switzerland or some such country in europe require all their citizens to own and be trained on how to use an assult rifle of some sort? and don’t they have one of the lowest gun related violent crime rate in the west? also people tend to forget that the “right to bear arms” was there so the people could over

You havent demonstrated any moral superiority, please stop claiming s. The fact that you fuck anyone who doesnt agree with you empirically shows you have a lower standard of morality.

You build a ridiculous strawman caricature of your particular bitter rival, ‘the gun nut’, and then in the last line insult it for ‘not listening to others’. Irony.


Having sold firearms for almost 15 years, I can clearly see you’re just making shit up as you go along.

He’s referring to states with Open Carry, like Arizona, which is where the story he’s referring to took place I believe.

Europe doesn’t have to deal with the colossal failure of the US drug war, at least to nowhere near the same scale. It creates an incredibly lucrative black market which all goes straight toward our criminals. Reasonable gun ownership is extremely possible. People in the US that have gun permits are less likely to

Because different countries work differently.

Plenty of people that have had their LIVES threatened disagree with you.

A video game website in a story about fucking Pokemon is where I always go for my hot takes on gun rights!


Yea, this shoudln’t be offensive to the level of intelligence you are showing but are you plain stupid 2fast2war? Like seriously do you understand whta illegal guns does? Do you really? Do you? You honestly think criminals will follow the law and not carry guns if guns were made illegal, you’re an idiot. Guess what