Tomalak Geret'kal

hannu was referring to a comment that they interpreted as book-sourced spoilers for season 3.

You're absolutely right; I just re-checked. Apologies to the reviewer!

By the way, I don't remember the quote "Today's going to be an exciting day". Did you mishear Chrisjen's "today must be my lucky day"?


It's hard to tell how easily civilian transport comes in The Expanse's solar system, but Bobbi's going to be a special case anyway after she's stripped of rank and locked down at home. I think that the sense of urgency in her turnaround came from a genuine and reasonable belief that she'd have little to no chance of

Not Echo. Luna.
Perhaps you should stick to reviewing shows whose characters you can actually identify!

"Aaron, who was working as Langdon’s assistant at the time"

The most secure building in America? lol

It's more likely to be about making more money. I've always found Americans vastly overestimate how much more "freedom and liberty" they have compared to everyone else. Newsflash: you're not as unique and special as you think you are. It's just that you're massive and have lots of resources and a super-strong economy

"House Winterfell"?

No she uploaded herself, through the escape pod in Polis (it was hooked up to the backpack!) into the sole remaining Ark station in orbit. The ring station that Jaha launched from at the start of Season Two.

I thought Fitz was in on Simmons's gag from the moment Mack told him what she was doing. Like, "what? that's stupid; she's not that dumb so why would she be ….. ah. Okay I'll play along…" which is why the whole "maybe you should just leave" scene played out slightly stuntedly: it was deliberate.

The real problem was the absolute joke of the way in which they portrayed an English DI. His ID had "Scotland Yard" written in big letters, which makes no sense partially because a real ID would say "Metropolitan Police", but not least of all because "Scotland Yard" is a nickname, a place that doesn't actually exist.