
im not convinced people over the internet will work well enough together for this to work

and now you know why vietnam was a hell hole

if sony only announced stuff coming soon like nintendo did (2015 - mid 2016) they would have pretty much nothing and be salty like the people were at Nintendo. In hindsight its obvious why they had the Nintendo World Championships, because they needed something else to entertain fans with a weak lineup in the near

how do you starve in 40 hours (16 hours playing and 24 hours of sleep) i mean sure youd be hungry but still not starvation hungry

well the two year olds a girl so doubtful

and it wheres my wallet?

pre ordered majoras mask 3d beacause

I see it as Gee dough but my brain is registering it as Gay-dough everytime i read it

Or they just have easy to find information for a slow news day

Or Lopunny, gardevoir is pretty intense too

probably because they are looking for exploits

grabbed three amiibos from toys R us, though im still waiting for nintendo to release lucina figurine, and robin, too bad chrom wasnt in smash or i could have my avatars family minus morgan

though leaks like this takes away the surprise

more like "when do we get back to starcraft professor?"

have you seen dragon crisis, it was a rather enjoyable watch

I started watching this expecting dragon crisis, left at episode six fairly dissappointed

yes, just like banjo kazooie nutz and boltz, if it hadnt had banjo kazooie attached it wouldve been a great game

what is this? Picasso?

are you implying that sony had a NDA with itself?

they delayed it so long, pretty much anyone who wanted watchdogs has it already so dont expect it to sell well on wii u