Tom, A Hawk

“Jeeves! Fetch my tophat! I shall go out on the town tonight. Be sure the laptop keyboard is warmed upon my return.”

It’s too real man. His “America First” policies remind me of what I’ve seen in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. You and I (and Flint) have gotten front row seats to see what a society looks like when breathable air and potable water become pay as you go services. It ain’t pretty.

I was in China last year, all the hotels were had little plaques all over the place advertising their premium air filtration systems. Also, you were warned against drinking the tap water when checking in, but you got several free bottles of water each day to hold you over. I guess we have that to look forward to!

You realize these pipelines are transporting tar sand oil from Alberta, right? The most environmentally damaging method of extraction.

Yet when they fail, they spill way more than a single railcar of oil.

It was not so long ago that LA, Pittsburg, SLC and many other American cities looked similar to the pictures we see from Delhi and Beijing.

If “the people” is Paul Ryan.

Lately I find that I’m angry all the time. To the point that I forget why and I stop and wonder what I’m angry about. And then I remember that president trump is destroying america/our democracy and all of our lives.

My mouth fell open when I heard her use that term, ‘alternate facts’. At least you guys will get some great comedy out of this administration.

“That wasn’t a false alarm. It was the alternate alarm.” KellyAnne Conway

And will inevitably play him in the Peter Berg film based on the true story

Mark Wahlberg just posted his bail

Exactly! I’m pro choice, but for me I don’t know if I would ever have an abortion. I don’t know if I would be comfortable with it. But I have never been in that situation so I don’t think its possible to really know how I would feel. But regardless I sure as hell don’t judge another woman’s choice.

God given right eh?
Who is this “God” character and where can I meet them? I want to meet the person apparently entitled to be giving out rights.

We do need men to take sides. If they don’t oppose evil, they’re basically sanctioning it. There’s no such thing as an innocent bystander for some issues.

Why I am marching today (See you soon, NYC!):

Rhinegeist is fantastic. Which one are you having?

I have the new club m subscription box (if you live in CA and are a patient, check it out, it’s pretty glorious) and a cocktail. I would have started earlier, but it’s normally frowned upon to be intoxicated while teenagers are under one’s care.