Tom, A Hawk

This is a scam, and Republicans continue their war on Americans.

I’ll do you a solid. The local sport ball team beat our arch rival cross town nemesis 13 to banana.

She looked like she was airing her pussy out in a room full of men.


Top Secret?

Trump’s campaign was based on it! Crazy world

“fear mongering” is the rights new dog whistle. I see it everywhere.

Think of all the jobs Goldman Sachs has to offer the uneducated, unwashed masses of middle ‘mericuh

My guess is that the residents of Las Vegas will end up footing much more, if not all of the bill for the new stadium.

The Government of the United States hates women. Has, under official presidential sanction declared that women are less than second class citizens. Thank your local conservative.

The Cleveland Mentally Disturbed Quiet Loners

A million nods of agreement.

I wish I never read those books so I wouldn’t care now.

So edgy. Imagine how much time you could have saved by scrolling by.

That’s what I mean, you just summarized much better!

My argument has always been that pro-life is your choice. The choice of others is none of your damn business. If you want the right to choose life, you have to be prepared to let others make their own choice.

Party on, Garth! :)

Crash. It just came up to Mass, and I’ve really enjoyed the three styles I’ve tried so far. I also love the can design.

You are making my night much better.

I’ve got a half ounce of medical grade weed and some Rheingeist from Cincinnati. I’m ready