Bungie has 2 games in development, including Destiny. Maybe a 3rd we don’t know about. They used to make one Halo game at a time, then they made Destiny... They have dev job listings on their site, so they’re actively hiring.
Bungie has 2 games in development, including Destiny. Maybe a 3rd we don’t know about. They used to make one Halo game at a time, then they made Destiny... They have dev job listings on their site, so they’re actively hiring.
The plant I work for just celebrated a record setting first half of a year.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they adjust their revenue split from the store and unreal engine next.
*Game that was released two years ago is good now.*
Do devs get paid based on downloads? I would have assumed it’s a one time lump sum payment up front.
They’ve done very little to actually make the EGS a proper competitor to Steam, which would provide actual competition. Giving away free games forever and paying large amounts for exclusivity isn’t a sustainable business model if people ultimately aren’t using the platform and buying other games.
Hard to make out over the dude shouting at his screen.
Alternatively, choose not to support Epic.
Nothing like overpriced cross brand nostalgia bait to remind you the game company you once loved is dead.
But it comes with an EXCLUSIVE SKIN that you can only get FOR A LIMITED TIME!!!
I finally played through Dragon’s Dogma last year and it became one of my favorite games. It was such a refreshing change from the bloat of modern games.
This is an option in the first game. You can completely turn off all of their chatter and even the chatter popups. Maybe it was added with the expansion? I didn’t play the game until recently.
So management thought dumping crazy amounts of money into free game giveaways and exclusives, cancelling every in development game besides Fortnite, and starting a legal war with Apple would pay off, and it hasn’t.
I was rolling with Sarah until she got mad at me for not punishing a guy for stealing... after we just purchased the thing the guy stole. We regularly kill dozens of people to get artifacts but she gets upset about a guy stealing from his corporate employer.
It seems I was born in the month of snipers.
Preorder links in preview coverage?
It’s amazing how much it’s just a reskinned Fallout 4. Perks, crafting, gear modding, base building. It’s all so similar. It’s like they have this “core” game and they just add a new system (FO4 basebuilding, Starfield space combat) with each release, while never shaking up that core. At least they made a new…
It’s not a space sim in any sense. It’s a Bethesda game designed to make you “feel” like you’re adventuring in space.
It was announced to assuage the masses after the PR disaster that was Fallout 76. It only exists in Todd’s mind.