
Disappointing but not entirely unexpected. Bloodborne still has its share of issues and people still love that game. I feel like Sekiro was probably their most stable game. Don’t remember any major technical issues there.

Look no further than your nearest newspaper headline

“Corporate consolidation is bad!”

Psh, call me when Rockstar makes a game with a female protag. Then I’ll be shocked.

You're right. It shouldn't have. But the potential sales were too great to pass up.

It’s funny, I also really like BF4 but it had plenty of its own issues at launch. Connection issues, crashing, net code (low tickrate) were all controversial issues. They even started doing public test servers because of the state it launched in.

I think that the early adopters are just seeing it as a way to profit as much as possible,” he said. “That’s not something I’m interested in being part of, to be honest.””

Yep. Played the beta which was barely function and refunded my preorder

Yeah it’s funny how the main plot in a lot of open worlds games is usually the least interesting thing and can often detract from enjoyment.

The opening mission where you’re getting the spider bot and the ways it can change depending on choices is still the most ambitious part of that game and no other quest lives up to it imo.

Are you gonna play it on a ps5? Some of the features mentioned, like the new crowd system and visual changes, don’t appear to be part of the last gen update

Yeah welcome to Korean games. Just be glad there aren’t also scantily clad children*

artificial attempt at garnering interest"

An audiobook of a novelisation of a movie adaptation of a video game

SJWs have ruined another series

“It’s been seven years since OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood, Roll7's 2015 skateboarding platformer.”

Like I said, people choose to sub. They gain nothing. They’re not his workers. He doesn’t owe them anything and they don’t owe him anything. He’s not selling a product, you can watch his streams for free. I’ve watched his content and I’ve never seen him do anything that encourages the weird parasocial relationships

He’s not hoarding it. He’s literally spending it on things (which means it’s taxed and circulates in the economy, unlike the foreign bank accounts that billionaires use to obscure their wealth) and people are getting mad at him.

And he works and pays his taxes. Not sure what point you’re trying to make here. He talks about taxing the wealthy, which includes himself. He streams long hours regularly. People are choosing to support him financially, theres really no incentive. He’s not profiting off the labor of exploited workers (ie people like