
Omg those look really good.

Lol it's very good

I’ve been feeling this way for a little while now. I stopped visiting Gamespot a long time ago cause all the writers and video makers I enjoyed left and the amount of controversy-baiting articles grew.

This is pretty standard for mmos. Players generally don’t like to have things disappear from their inventory. In WoW when an item is deemed redundant or its functionality removed they simply convert it into a grey item that can be vendored.

Wow I had no idea he was in Zero Dark Thirty.

Or people just have a different opinion than you.

Well i think it doesn’t suck and i like it.

Because they know most people will stick with what feels safe and familiar, or the default, when given the choice.

You joke but, uh...

Right, it’s an open world systems driven game. The way people do all those crazy combo montages is just the result of systems interacting in interesting ways.

The game pauses when you’re switching weapons. You can actually switch mid combo and immediately swing the weapon you just switched to.

Botw weapons do have advantages and disadvantages. Fire and ice do bonus damage to their opposites, electric weapons stun enemies in water (and are used in puzzle solving), spears have long range, 2 handed swords do AOE etc etc.

“There are only two outcomes in this situation: die or run.”

Pretty to look at, sometimes exciting but ultimately shallow.

Lol yes! I read that exact conversation between Charlie and Aleksis last night.

They intentionally designed it this way to prevent that. They want people to actually play the game, make mistakes and figure their way out of bad situations.

I’m not a game dev so i could be completely wrong here, but i believe modern games are constantly loading and unloading files, or in other words “streaming” files.

Yeah this is my experience as well. Something about the camera movement is wrong. It seems to be present with gamepad input as well though.

It’s strange, my framerate is high, between 70 and 100, but the game doesn’t feel smooth. I’m not noticing much stuttering like others are reporting but the camera seems to not be smooth. Like if i stand still the game animates smoothly but turning the camera isn’t smooth.

Not to mention subscribers get a discount on the games that are available