
Don’t forget: BUT I CAN BUILD MY OWN MACHINE FOR only $50!!1!

Haha, that is the most spot on impression I’ve seen so far of the comment sections these days

My favorite is “Apple is so expensive, you’re always paying extra for nothing”

but waaaaa it costs too much and waaaaa muh windoes and waaaaa andruids apple bad apple bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jobs is wearing an apple watch in that picture.

I don't know if the watch was successful enough. I really hope they do stick with it though, as I'm one of the people out there waiting for the Apple Watch 2

This whole article just sounds like you’re trying to fan the flames among “fanboys” of google and apple....when in fact it’s a simple budgetary decision.

Do you hear that? That’s the sound of a million Apple fanboys weeping all over their comically large iPads.

Personally, I just don’t think education is that much of a concern for Apple anymore. They are doing quite well selling consumer products. I don’t think they dropped the ball so much as they just grew up and left the playground. While there may be money to be made in education, there’s a heckuva lot more to be made

Do you hear that? That’s the sound of a million Apple fanboys weeping all over their comically large iPads.

Wow, this article it written with such contempt against Apple. Maybe it was the right decision for the school, maybe not, who knows. But I am starting to get really sick of journalists and commentators taking such pleasure in Apple’s failures. This is a movement that has been intensifying in the last few years and I

If those Lenovos are anything like my husband’s, they are going to be SO sorry! His arrived full of bloatware and even a bit of malware.

Fandroid spotted.

So we are trolling for clicks now I see? I’m sure your parents are pinning this article on their fridge as we speak...

I’d love to meet Michael Dell, just so I could force him to use his shitty PC for a day.

Yeah Dell’s a fucking hero. I just love working on his cheap-ass PC’s all day (at work we all bring in our own MacBooks to work on).

He helped bring to market/popularize (not invent):

Please tell me what exactly you think Steve Jobs is responsible for

I’d rather meet Michael Dell