
How long before Cadet Bone Spurs starts tweeting about him? Fat, old white guys hate the fact that people of color dominate most sports.

Great article. During my daily commute here in Los Angeles I see at least 4 or 5 of these on the freeway and the bald guys driving them always have smug looks on their faces.

I see what you did there.

You’re ignoring the fact it was a court order and you’re ignoring the fact that he had a well paid lawyer fighting on HIS side AGAINST her. Lastly, the majority of Americans find a way to live less than the remaining 1/3 of his monthly income. Studio apartment maybe and drive a Camry?

I think anyone who’s lived in Los Angeles knows ...there’s a large demographic that will purchase this .....vehicle:

Bosa talks big talk on Twitter. We’ll see how big he talks in an NFL locker room. I have a feeling he’ll make as much noise as mouse pissing on a cotton ball.

The reason Las Vegas is the cheapest is because everyone there is addicted to something. Every. One.

Why is there an assumption that it was just a handjob. I’ve heard from various sources that it was MORE. But the video wont lie . . .

Maybe black people can do a documentary on Jeffery Epstein who also likes young girls or is black vengeance only directed at other black people?

I’ve got a 12 year old son.

Other fun facts:

Maybe someone should show Bolsonaro another icon of Brazilian movie making . . . . .called “Two girls one cup”?

hypercognizance - really?

White privilege in action.

If he was black the cops would have been there in seconds to arrest and possibly shoot him for confusing the cell phone for a gun.

$4 an hour?

A good husband is not gonna tell his wife that her cooter stinks even if it smells like a bag of used diapers thats been left in the hot sun for a few days.

If the courts allow Trump to declare an emergency for the wall then in 2020 a Democratic president can declare a healthcare emergency and jam a single payer system right up Mitch McConnells ass.

I think its pretty clear what was going on.

I live in North Hollywood and work in Culver City. Without my car I would be looking at 2.5 hours(each direction) via public transit. With my car its 45min to work and 90min back.

Russia, struggling to switch from a planned to market economy, could not afford to maintain such a truly massive forc”