How does hitting someone in the nuts two games in a row not get you suspended?
How does hitting someone in the nuts two games in a row not get you suspended?
Kicking your feet out to make contact is common in the nba when you’re shooting from 3 but here Dray was 5 feet from the basket. He was already fouled on the arm, hence no need for additional contact. And Adams is about 1 foot away, why would you need to extend your leg as far as he did for someone right there?
You’re missing the point, Westbrook still isn’t a superstar.
Wow! that sounds bad, like really really awful. But remember those dick pics he sent? Worse.
That was too low, especially for Oscar.
He does suck. He only led FG% because he averaged 6.5 FGA per game and 99.9% of his attempts are alley oops. His FT% this year is 37.9. How do you think that will pan out during crunch time in close playoff games?
But this is already the third pubic chastisement we’ve seen this year.
You don’t need to go to a Brown’s game to see depressed Clevelanders. A stroll around the city can do the trick.
Do you even know the facts of the case? Kobe volunteered to a rape kit and lie detector test before even being charged for a crime. The accuser was involuntarily hospitalized only four months before the incident because she was declared a danger to herself. She tried to kill herself with sleeping pills. She was most…
Except for the fact that investigators found another man’s semen and Caucasian pubic hair in her panties the day after the alleged incident. She also refused to testify in court after going through the whole process of a rape kit and charging Kobe with a crime.
Didn’t know he Mean Joe Green’d a cum stained shirt at a cop’s face. Just went up a notch in my book, thanks!
“Your grammar doesn’t work either, apparently.”
Athleticism is not a requisite for a successful point guard in the NBA; ever watch Steve Nash? And most of that on-court impact is due to his bone head coach not playing him in the 4th quarter even in blow out games.
You realize that there were only 8 to 9 total NBA teams during 9 of those Celtic Championships? Astonishing achievement, you must be proud.
Yeah, 2010. Back when you were 6 years old, remember?
It’s 2015, gay jokes don’t work no more. You’re just upset that the Celtic have only one championship in the last 28 years (29 after this season ends)
Nah. I put on game 7 of the 2010 finals at night so I can sleep like a baby :)