
Yeah, but those guys will get sick of Papa Johns pretty quick.


I bought a Cleveland Steamer once but wasn’t anywhere near what I thought it was. What can I expect from an edgy, baseless Hot Take?

Yeah, because that AI zombie crab man was such a work of beauty.

What I want to see is really how many Indians find it offensive and how many find it funny or don’t even care. Also, apu has been shown to be intelligent, sexy, hard working, loving husband (but with his mistakes as he had an affair, and if someone tells me that is a racist stereotype I am going to lose my mind),

As usual, the schedule presents all sorts of hypothetically fun dilemmas for music fans: Beyoncé

I would disagree about Lisa. The writers envisioned her as a “still, small voice”, the conscience of Springfield, so to speak. But as with many well intentioned people, the still voice became a shrill voice.

This right here. Every Simpson character (and a lot if not most cartoon/sitcom/movie) characters are blatant stereotypes. Homer is a fat doofus. Bart is a typical rebellious young boy. Marge is the nagging, dotting wife. Lisa is the book worm stuck up one. On and on.

Now we can say “it’s been on for 30 years, time to


Having now lost a primary means of independent advertising, lots of sex workers - me included - are now receiving offers from other websites for advertising at grossly inflated fees, and from individuals offering to “manage” us and “help” us find bookings for a cut of our earnings or other, how can I word this

“acting like a site which was notorious for sex trafficking is some kind of great loss”


I haven’t watched it in at least 10 years and don’t remember that scene. Can you remind me what he does when she comes outside?

Your “question no one here will answer” got answered by someone here in 25 minutes. That victory lap was a short one.

Oh, those black and Asian shows that I slept through last night? They’re just like us!

“I mean, look. Yeah, Roseanne tweeted vile conspiracies about the Parkland students. But that was FORTY EIGHT HOURS ago. Most of us weren’t even alive back then!”

She was re-tweeting and amplifying a conspiracy theory that Democrats are working with the Church of Satan to steal children into sexual slavery.

“Anybody can dig into anybody’s stuff and find stuff.”

Her sort of shitty response at the end of that video makes me like her just a little less.

You just put into words what I’ve felt the few times I didn’t turn the station when this came on in the ride. #SongIsBasicOnAllLevels ...and I like Cardi B. #Shrug