David Patch

Not really any different than renting a big-city apartment with any number of strangers one might meet through a roommate-matching service (or, in the old days, a classified ad in the newspaper), except that everybody has their own lease, which avoids arguments about who’s not keeping up on his or her share of the

Yeah, that was my conclusion. Don’t want to be paying taxpayer dollars to convicted felons or Iranians.

Indeed. While perhaps stated indelicately, some of what they’re saying is just common sense. Alas, common sense is on the wane, and has never been especially widespread amongst young’uns looking for booze, booty, or both.

In item #4: “kibbitz” not “kibbutz”. The latter is a cooperative farm/commune common in Israel.

We had a milkman in the early 1970s where I grew up in suburban New York. From my youngest years I remember the milk still being delivered in the refillable glass bottles, and we’d put the empties back in the milk bin for the milkman to take back. Then the dairy got bought out by a larger company and the glass bottles

Some years ago I came home to find my 10-year-old black-and-white Tabby, Chester, in agony. He couldn’t move his rear legs, and they were cold. The diagnosis was the same: a blood clot. We had just started him on thyroid medicine and the vet said that sometimes loosened up clotted blood that accumulates in the bottom