
How about the DNC backing a candidate who didn’t have a million years worth of negative ads read to go?

I hope she ends up in jail. Serves her fucking right for allowing Trump to win when curbing her own ego would have brought victory.

Maybe we want more than to not elect a racist.

Don’t tell that to Dems... they’ll accuse you of being racist and sexist.

Do we think Clinton wanted to even create a non-benefit-laden healthcare market?

You could have elected a Socialist. You didn’t.

I wish you wrote this many words in the primary... but you didn’t.


White middle-class gays have nothing to worry about.

Right, THIS is where you stake.

My Smith educated, super-Feminist partner is just beside herself. Me too.

Same in 2008 and 2012. Women were the deciding factor.

I find donation to be insane... NPR should have a line item and... well... state sponsored media works well for people like Trump.

I think that the DNC is more like a media conglomerate than a political party, to be frank.

It is a rejection of “PC America” as provided by Clinton. That’s the issue. We can have sympathy for women put down by sexism but campaigning on the idea that everything is awful always lose them the election.

If you don’t argue you just end up like the same kind of people who think that shitty things are good.

What boggles me is that sanders won the rust belt hands down in primary while Clinton won the south.

Sure, some polls speak volumes. Like how Sander’s message resonated with rust belt workers and Clinton’s dismissal of those votes lost her the election.

Hey! How about we win by nominating someone whose national numbers already suck! No bad here, right!?

Warren is also a socialist and will run as such in 2020. I bet we’ll vote her in.