
When the choice is decided by party elites and then they engage in illegal activity to support such...

Right. Find any reason to ignore how he would have beaten Trump handily.

You lost this election because you blamed white men. And then they voted against you.

How does anyone who isn’t a major media conglomerate start a news channel?

Thank her for... what? Telling us white women should get white jobs? That women can be just as awful as men?

Uh, what makes media “good” is not holding an integral belief prefacto.

The only thing Clinton’s call for “diversity” ended with is more white guys in charge of big corporations... like her son-in-law who is a hedge fund manager.

This election is the rejection of identity politics.

I dunno. I buy from a second-hand dude (i.e.... second... he buys from a grower directly) and the potency is great. Nothing like being able to take a hit and get the results instead of smoking a pound of brick to even feel tingles.

I hope you get fired. Keep that shit at home.

The DNC could have beaten Trump easily. But they decided not to.

Wouldn’t have helped. Sanders would have killed Trump by electoral math. He’d take the coasts, maybe FL and the win the rust belt and win the election.

White women elected Obama. That was huge. Women, in general, elected Obama.

Clinton’s VP should have been Castro. We’d have swapped VA for FL and she’d have won.

I know! Why!?

So either get their votes or not. Expecting people to vote as we want because is why Clinton lost. Talk about entitlement.

Right. Just dismiss the reasons like you dismiss Hispanics.

That’s not stupid when you consider that Clinton has been a rape apologist for years now. If she had a leg to stand on via women’s issues she would have won women. But women don’t want to vote for a fucking rape apologist.

Maybe many of those women were actually put off by Hilary’s support of a rapist? Bill Clinton raped women... and she went more than support... she took an active hand in perpetuating rape culture.

Warren. Warren. Warren.