
Which just speaks to how awful of a nomination it was. Never should have happened.

Minority women weren’t convinced to vote in the first place.

People are upset that “being white” makes them targets to people like you. You know... like racism targets people for “being Black”.

ya i have no problem blaming this on men.

Alienate more voters! That’ll win the next one!

Absolutely. There’s not a word there I disagree with at all.

So funny since “Clinton has the Black vote!” was the call when she beat Sanders.

Instead of attacking them, how about trying to change their mentalities?

Yes, it is. It is white men who attack and denigrate other white men to the point where they voted Trump. I don’t think eye-for-an-eye is justice... but people like you think it is.

Clinton was the problem.

Partisanship is a hell of a drug.

I’m a fucking white man and I’m fucking glad to say that white men are the goddamn problem here.

Fuck white people. Fuck white men. Fuck men.

It looks like the bigger issue was Rust Belt white working class male votes

Uh... that’s just crazy.

You keep calling them “Stupid” and that’s the problem.

You realize you’re no different from the people on the right who create conflict for the sake of creating conflict?

Many questions, but the reality is that the old polling data showed Sanders doing immensely well with his real populist message in the midwest/rust belt. They went Sanders pretty quickly in the primary.

He’s going to be a mostly absentee President.
