
Why, oh why! Why did the DNC decide that someone with existing scandals should be the hope of the party?

I feel like we let Hillary down.

I’m upset for the American populous. And that Clinton hoodwinked them into thinking things would be okay.

The only question I have for my fellow Dems/Liberals is: “How does Democratic Socialism sound now?”

White men started to worry that someone was going to take away their piece of the pie. Apparently all you need to do to motivate that population is to start giving equal rights to others. 

They do. They just won’t support people who... well, who say shit like that all the time.

Warren 2020 is going to be the ticket. The DNC will implode and Sanders’ efforts to coordinate progressives in downraces will take over the DNC where he’ll quickly turn control over to people like Warren who they have been grooming for years now to run.

Warren 2020.

Still plenty of dumbshit white women left over for the men to happily control.

In a campaign and election defined by a desire to do things differently, the “business-as-usual” candidate lost.

That was a great win in a sea of shit.

Four years ago to the day I realized “Hope and Change” were just campaign slogans.

Maybe this is a good sign to chill on calling a large majority of Americans nasty shit. It lost the election for Clinton.

If any area will secede, it’ll be New England.

Day drinking was illegal? Shit, I break the law more than I thought I did.

this is the booze but here it goes. I love dick but fuck YOU men. Literally. FUCK you men.

2000 was pre-9/11 (duh) and still close enough to the end of the Cold War that the winning mentality was generally that “we can get through this”. When first elected, GWB ran on a platform they called “Compassionate Conservatism” which was basically a series of domestic issues which in practice looked like it would be

You’re absolutely right. The Clinton campaign went out of its way to denigrate and show hostility toward white voters in the rust belt both in rhetoric and in policy.