
And $1,500 is a bogus number to boot. The GPU required plus the HMD alone would be at least a grand. Good luck meeting the remaining requirements and only spending $500.

Facebook is why. It's that simple

They almost fucked everything.

And all of this could have been avoided if they just said “we’re looking at about $600 for one of these” a while back. Nobody would be whining about the price tag right now, and lots of people would have tuned out on the product a long time ago.

Every game needs a Manga mode.

Unknown meme was ineffective.

This is what I don't get. There was an outpouring of sympathy when this news broke, with people saying how Kickstarter should let them extend their closing date. Why? Without that false backer they would have failed to hit the target anyway.

They weren’t really cheated of their funding. It’s not like the troll made them hit the goal and then the kickstarter was instantly disabled, preventing anyone else from donating. Without the troll they just would have failed to meet the goal. If anything the troll helped them out by giving them the publicity needed