That’s the most sensible thing I’ve heard an ump say in a long time and he was still wrong.
I’m sure Verlander has access to any number of phones in the clubhouse
I feel like I’m missing the connection between her earnings and the first pitch?
You never hear the inverse of “Get the best players and they’ll figure it out.”
The sweatiest Freddy of them all doesn’t count as a wet guy? This rating system is broken.
I mean shit, with material like that he could be one of you jabronis.
His whole schtick is he’s just a jolly straight talker who lets words fall out of his mouth and hopes for the best. He’s not that stupid but he doesn’t put a vast amount of effort into much other than playing the fool.
From experience z32 Drivers side turbo. Lump out job.
While it’s legal I’d put this tactic in the Sean Avery tier of things that shouldn’t need to be legislated against but now will be. Shame though, as a trick play it would be (has been) an effective option.
I thought you gained weight when you headed east?
I’m let down that it wasn’t Toodle-loo from the Maloo
Maybe Taveras’ extremely high level of .287 and his passenger dying had something to do his results being publicly released. That number is still quite amazing. It would take 15 drinks in 2 hours to reach that level.
Yes it is, if not more so. This guy has preempted everything about his name and come out the other side a solid business titled with a name that would make the Simpsons blush.
Can’t believe I’m late to this party, most of my adult life has been spent laughing about this fucker. It’s 100% legit, They have prestige marque showrooms coming out of their yingyang along the M4 corridor. I have been to a few with work and have used them for obscure (aka one’s I can’t get on the cheap) parts on my…
because that’s not the kind of technology you release in beta and fix with updates.
I know it’s not really your beat but anyone use an Amazon Echo?