
Nicely put. But I think what he wants to know is “Where do I send all my extra boot straps.”

This shows a mess, I only see the last few minutes as I wait for Highly Questionable to start and it just looks so forced.

I love how the picture used is littered with Packers fans. Classic Midwest.

A Kings piece that isn't embarrassing, that's refreshing. I need to enjoy this while I can.

That EVA reference was sick. One question though, wheres Hot Shots?

I don’t know. For me it was all about linking materia and creating a badass squad of teammates to manage. I also enjoyed watching the battles play out as I strategize my next move, as opposed to just hitting buttons and watching pure chaos unfold around me. It gives you more time to enjoy the art style that way too.

I bought the Arlo system this summer and for my needs it's been fantastic. One issues I'm dealing with now is the batteries. Anyone out there with this system have a good solution for batteries? I can't seem to find a good rechargeable brand and buying them from Amazon is going to cost around $80-100 a year.

I bought the Arlo system this summer and for my needs it's been fantastic. One issues I'm dealing with now is the

4th and 26....

Now playing

Unedited footage of a bear... That’s got to be on this list.

Dude, you post history is littered with you calling other people names. You bring almost nothing to the discussions you choose to comment on. You see what I did there, that’s how to tell someone to fuck off on the Internet.

I'm actually shocked that 8 people liked his idiotic comment. What's up with that?!

You're being a tad bit hyperbolic don't you think? I mean comparing the commenter to a Nazi... Is this Ben Carson?!

My god that going to be a terrible game...

For a second I thought I was reading Kotaku, but then this brilliant comment made me realize that its DeadSpin. Bravo.

Russillo and Kanell will not let this go. I can’t think of two more people who are more under qualified to talk about this subject then those two clowns.

I know how this ends. Just don’t sleep with that nice young girl how’s been helping you out the whole time. You'll really regret it.

All that kept going through my mind last night was the song “Let’s have a war” by the punk band Fear...

Couch rifles... Lol, that's great.

That closing line is money!

U mad bro?