
That's some bad Twitter.

OMG, that’s some nightmare fuel!

I hope he doesn't get pressured to change his response. This was surprisingly refreshing to hear.

Funny thing, the ad industry now knows this. The question is, is it too late?

Watch out ladies...

Boy I hate to go all old man here, but seeing teams like the Yankees doings these calibrations after winning a trip to a one game playoff was not a good look. I thought you only did the champagne dance for major playoff milestones, not for extending your season by one game...

Kap’s going too be a hell of quarterback someday, in the CFL.

Where's Wilbon?!

GIF of the year.

I’ll bite. What if your spouse, kid or roommate wants to use the TV instead of watching you play Fallout 4 all day?

I can’t wait to do that, not both of those things at the same time as that would get pretty messy.

So they touched the ball and removed it from its original spot, but then put it back? I smell a new curse....


All this bullshit with consoles really makes you appreciate what Nintendo does with theirs. Something five years ago I thought I'd never say.

Life long gamer and father of a 3 year old. Same here, my systems are just a Netflix box for my son and a bluray player for my wife. Constant updates, terrible business practices by publishers and just getting old has slowly taken me out of console gaming. I basically only play a few mobile games on my iPad when I

Thank god for myself, right as the Packers started blowing it my drunk was kicking into full swing. Plus the Favre era (4th and 26) has prepared me for gut punching losses. That being said, I feel your pain. This year will be different.

Beginning of Mets vs Braves game, the first game after 9/11. I don’t like either of those teams but the game and the mood in the park just was something else.

The Kings fan in me wants to see it, if just to see the process that went into getting the team to stay. But KJ doesn’t need any good publicity, he needs to be held accountable for his terrible actions and behavior.

Like anyone’s going to listen to some orphaned loser who majored in Auto Trader economics. Go home Dirt!

Integrated ads in NBA 2k16 too.