
Also an exclusive pumper. I did it for 5.5 months. I also had high lipase issues, and had to scald any milk I wanted to freeze. With this study, I’m wondering if it was worth all that effort. I hated pumping and was so much happier when I switched to formula.

Rosebut? I think you mean Rosebud

Expat South African here. In South Africa it would be pronounced Te-RON. I had a teacher with that last name who made me write copy pages out of the dictionary. She seems to have given up the pronunciation battle since I only ever hear it pronounced phonetically. 

You were in the airport for five extra hours, why didn’t you eat something before the plane took off?

Isn’t a room for hair, make-up and wardrobe, called you know, a dressing room? I’m sure the White House already has one of those.

He got caught because when leaving South Africa you have to present your passport for an exit stamp, just like you get an entry stamp once you arrive. They also have fairly strict requirements regarding the number of blank pages available in your passport.

I just noticed that she’s crouched down on the grass in heels, how in the world did she not fall over?

*Her, Grumpy Cat is female.

She also appears to be sitting in a sauna room? Fully dressed? With her cell phone? Someone does not know how to behave in a gym locker room at all.

Pernicious anemia isn’t simply a severe B12 deficiency, it is where the stomach is unable to absorb B12 from food due to a lack of a substance called intrinsic factor.

Simply swallowing B12 pills isn’t going to fix it. You require shots of B12 or a B12 supplement that dissolves under the tongue, therefore bypassing

I think these are hysterical. LA has a growing train system, some education is needed for all the riders new using trains for transport.

Roll up as far as you can and hold it there. Keep repeating daily and eventually you’ll increase your range. Also having someone holding your legs while you do it can be helpful. The goal is to strengthen your muscles, not to roll up all the way.

I’ve switched to Pilates, no hand stands required.

I stopped going to a yoga studio, also in LA, after a bad experience with handstands. I have a bad back and after reading all the articles about how one can seriously hurt themselves screwing up a hand stand I decided I would skip them.

Some delightful soul offered to help me, and when I said I’d rather not, she

The reason they use horses for crowd control is that the horses try and avoid stepping on people, the horse wasn’t going to hurt her.

You guys really need to get an updated photo of LAPD headquarters. They moved out of Parker Center years ago.

There’s a small fortune in King Proteas, the national flower of South Africa, in the flower arrangements in the background.

My husband pronounced it as Lulemon too and so I did too. It took a couple years before I realized there was an extra lu.

I’ve been on a jury, it can get intense. Especially if you’re a hold out.

Our deliberation ended up taking almost a whole week. Towards the end people who were previously friendly, and had gone out to lunch together during the trial phase, were yelling and insulting each other.