In neutral.
In neutral.
As a Broncos fan, I have two words. Fuck, and yes.
Why on earth do you assume I’m a communist? Far from it. I believe that people are going to do what people do, and there is nothing more effective than a religious or political ideology to rally drones for a cause. No ideology is responsible for anything, it’s how humans use and or abuse that ideology to get what they…
Probably the same reason my wife likes to watch the Oscars, even though she has seen about five of the best picture nominees total from the past ten years or so.
Yeah, you are. Some of us learned who he is a couple of weeks ago when Deadspin had a piece about Robert Kraft supporting him. Get with it, man.
Perhaps you should indulge in a little critical thinking. Do you really believe that an ideology murdered people? Or is it more likely that power-hungry assholes who embraced the ideology as doctrine murdered people? With your logic, one would have to say the ideology of Christianity is murderous and full of…
Also, with the popularity of college ball, most football fans have seen the projected first rounders play. There’s name recognition which makes it more compelling. Most MLB and NHL fans haven’t seen the kids play before they’re drafted. They’re just names on a board that you may or may not have heard of.
I think if something is dumb, but you enjoy it anyway, then it’s still not good, but it’s good to you. There’s no point in feeling bad about watching something dumb if it brings you pleasure. Admit that it’s dumb, admit that you like it, and you don’t owe anyone a rationalization or excuse. It’s okay to be embarrassed…
Ghostkeeper is most definitely a real name. It’s a Native American surname and I even knew a guy who had it.
I think I speak for all Canadians who are not Leaf fans when I say, “Thank You Bruins!” Now the national hockey media can give serious attention to ALL the playoff series, instead of focusing 80 percent of their attention on the fucking Leafs.
Tampa isn’t going anywhere, Boston is just ramping up, and Florida is coming. The Leafs are going to be up against it for a few years yet.
Well, now more than ever, you need content because content equals hits. The content need not have merit, but it is needed so we have profiles of anybody who can do something other than spew the usual cliches, AND profiles of anybody who can do nothing but spew cliches.
Gun fetishist.
If they collectively had any courage, sense, or honor, they wouldn’t have let the dipshit hijack the narrative.
And who wouldn’t want to be a Charlton Heston, who most reasonable people saw as a crazy gun-fetishist and giant asshole?
It really is an insanely idiotic statement.
I noticed that too, but I think puppy’s tail is curled between his legs.
While it’s true that not all conservatives are racist, it’s also true that they will readily vote for racists.
I don’t think evangelicals are the kind of people who nurture artistic passions. They’re drawn to biblical dogma, not inspiration. Any budding artist growing up would either be discouraged, or gone from the church once actually becoming a working artist. They believe in conforming more than anything, which is why all…