
Came here to be disappointed by lack of Half Life 3 news.

something something sjws something something pandering

I feel like we can say, without hyperbole, that gaming as we once knew it is dead and gone. The industry has fully embraced cynicism.

I like your optimism! It’s horribly misplaced, but I like it!

Horseshit. Tons of people love the idea of tiny houses and aren’t being forced into it at all. There is a romantic simplicity to it, where it is just you, your significant other, and maybe some pets. A lot of people also like the idea of being able to travel with literally their entire life and go anywhere they can

As long as it isn’t 3 humancentikids in a trench coat.

*fart sound*

I’ve never understood this “end-game” question.  No game has end-game that isn’t just grinding.  WoW is grinding.  Diablo is grinding.  It should go without saying that once you beat the bulk of a game, there is substantially less left to do.

That’s not the damn point. There are standards. This 1.0 version is a reflection of how much respect Bethesda has for its players. Just because some people are ok with it, “let people have their fun” is not an acceptable excuse for that.

I feel bad for the actual employees making this stuff––the artists, and modelers, and programmers, and everyone whose livelihood depends on realizing a garbage vision.

What I want to know is which marketing dipshit thought an always online Fallout was a sure thing, and get *that* person fired out of a cannon.

Seriously f*ck these guys.

None of that pertains to my message. Let’s make it truly trite:

Yep! Finally making women cover back up in media!

Well then. Looks like the decision to hold off buying this game was a smart one.

“it’s become clear that getting everything without opening your wallet is extremely difficult, and the whole thing feels like a scheme to get players to spend.”

The Akuma fucking nailed it. Calling it now.

P.S.: What’s with Kotaku and ads these days? 6 just on this page. Every article brimming with them. Jesus.

This dude has life figured out.

Damn I hate Beezle. Was doing a 15 min investigation with a capture on Azure Rath, I’m running against the clock, I finally shock trap, and fucking Beezle roars 3 times in a row, can’t do my tranq bombs, and fail the mission. lol

That cat getting catapulted out of frame, its dispassionate “meow,” and annoyed grumble, Sweet Fancy Jesus that’s a good laugh.

Hmm. My method is typing “metroidvania” and then narrowing my eyes and nodding slowly.